As I mentioned in a previous post, I have been lucky enough to write a chapter for this amazing Design & Make Paper Jewellery book by Sarah Kelly ( which has finally been published and is in stores now. My chapter uses book binding as the basis for attaching papers together and hopes to inspire jewellers to use non traditional techniques and materials in their creations.

“Design and Make Paper Jewellery offers a series of masterclasses by experts who work with paper, and features examples of work from a breathtaking array of international makers. Techniques covered include encasing, crocheting, moulding, sculpting, cutting and binding, with paper types ranging from origami papers, to found papers, to paper yarn. Whether you want to make a personal piece to preserve a paper treasure, or create high fashion jewellery for exhibition on the catwalk, this book offers inspiration, tips and techniques for everyone interested in working with this sensitive, ephemeral material”.


Tis that time again and we have been getting ready for our annual Christmas Arts Supermarket at the studio.

It is on this weekend, so if you are in the Bath area and looking for some of the best handmade goodies around then pop in and say hi.

2 – 4 Dec: 11am – 5pm

Late night shopping 2 Dec: 5 – 8pm

Back for another year of the best art produce you can buy! Checkout the Art Supermarket for the most original Christmas presents in town. Featuring over 30 artists including Lucie Sheridan, Caroline Waterlow, Howkapow and Natasha Rampley…….and of course me!

Gallery and exhibition design by Otto Dettmer

Year 7 – Story book project

                  Harris book project

Harris High School

This was an exciting project to encourage students to think laterally, to challenge conventions and preconceived ideas of what images represent and what a book is, to be experimental with different media and to allow the unexpected to inform possible outcomes, to enthuse students to produce creative writing -develop creative writing and speaking skills- verbally telling story to the group.

It also gave them experience of many transferable skills including: team working, negotiation, decision making, compromise, thinking creatively, taking risks, researching and working to deadlines.

For more information and photographs of this project click here

Using sketchbooks for research workshop

Secondary School book making and research workshop

I really enjoyed working with a group of secondary school students recently (years 7 – 11). The session was a great success, they all produced their own unique books and enjoyed using them for their research project.

They started the day by discussing how sketchbooks can be used for recording research and they investigated examples of different books and techniques I had taken in. They then set about making their own books before going out and about to collect information for possible enquiry/research projects, observing the environment around them, really looking and investigating things which often go unnoticed.

One of the participants gave the following feedback: “It is very interesting and really sets off a firework in your mind enabling you to think in a completely different way, by writing an idea down you can then reflect on it and improve.(The workshop is) well worth it, really gets you thinking!”


Japanese culture – Tanabata festival

I very much enjoyed working with years 3 and 4 last weekend on a Japanese culture workshop. The theme was the ‘Tanabata’ star festival which the children learnt about and made their own festival decorations for the class tree. They all worked really hard and produced some lovely decorations. They also got to investigate unusual artefacts and learn about the country, try on traditional costumes, lean some language and greetings and play games. A lot of fun was had by all!