China project

I am really looking forward to this term, I am working on some amazing projects. These include working on creative curriculum development with a primary school in Castle Bromwich, working on ‘China’ as the topic. We have got some exciting ideas for this project, so watch this space. I will also be working on a variety of projects in a high school in Rugby, including, designing and producing a school learning journal, working across the English and Art departments producing story books and working with Religious Studies to produce prayer books and possibly a prayer garden…..can’t wait!!!

I will post pictures as the projects unfold. 

Paper Jewellery book

I currently have the pleasure of working with Sarah Kelly from Saloukee I have been an admirer of Sarah’s work for a couple of years now and was flattered when she asked me to come up with a design and make project for her new book. The book is not due out until the end of next year (Nov 2011) but Sarah is busily pulling it all together, it’s very exciting.

Sarah and photographer Gemma Dewson came to my studio on Saturday to do the photo shoot for my chapter of the book, we had a great day, I can’t wait to see the results!

Japan Matsuri

I went to the Japan Matsuri on Saturday, the weather was thankfully lovely and sunny. It was great to be immersed in the culture again, even for a brief time.

Whilst at the feastival I bought a Daruma doll (see photos), Daruma dolls are seen as a symbol of perseverance and good luck and are one of the many ways the Japanese make a wish. The doll come with two white eyes, you mark the left pupil when you make a wish and then the right pupil when the wish comes true!

Japan Matsuri

I am really excited to have been working with Taki Togashi and the site decoration team for this year’s Japan Matsuri (Festival) on the 18th September 2010.

I have been helping to make streamers which will be hung in the main market area of Spitalfields. These streamers are usually used in Japan for the Summer festival ‘Tanabata’

I am really looking forward to the festival, being immersed in all things Japanese for the day… Heaven!