Posts from the “Books” Category

Symbolism in Japanese Design workshop – kimono books

I love going into schools and working with pupils on Japanese culture, I particularly enjoy running workshops around symbolism in Japanese design. These Kimono book covers have been produced by some very talented year 3 pupils.

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Book making to fire the imagination

It’s always a real pleasure working with children and it never fails to impress how creative they can be. Last Saturday I have a lovely afternoon working with children ranging from year 4 – 7. They loved making the and designing their books as well as coming up with stories and content ideas, so much so that they all wanted to work through their break!

Have a look at some of their wonderful creations…..

Here some feedback from the participants:

“I really enjoyed this workshop.I liked just letting my imagination turn into a book”

“I thoroughly enjoyed this workshop – it was really fun and everyone got the chance to do something different. I recommend it to everyone who likes to be creative and using lots of materials!

“It’s amazing how much creativity goes into making one book”


Recent Bookbinding Workshops

Here are some photos from bookbinding workshops I’ve run recently, they include images from my ‘Book Making 5 Week Course‘, ‘Coptic Stitch Binding‘ and ‘Decorative Longstitch with Leather Covers‘, to see other workshops and course available see my workshops here.

Hardback Bookbinding Workshop

Lovely feedback from participants:

“I wanted to thank you for the brilliant bookbinding day on Friday. I’m still thrilled when I look at and handle the book I made! Your teaching is spot-on: clear and well-paced, very listenable-to, and always allowing enough time for us watch then do. I really like your style of tutoring, and totally enjoyed the day! That includes the cake, and the great cake stand!…” 

“Thank you for a great day on Friday – it was totally absorbing, I really enjoyed myself and am so pleased with the book I made(- my partner was very impressed!) It was really good to work with you, find out more about your work and also to meet new people keen to try their hand at something new. I always enjoy learning, and your expertise coupled with your calm, easy going manner made it a fantastic way to start the weekend.”

“I just wanted to thank you for a fabulous day. I came home completely transformed and inspired and thinking about how to use what I had learned.”


My day in cups of tea article

The Simple Things Magazine December 2012 – I’m in it!

I am really happy that my interview for the ‘My day in cups of tea’ feature is in this months ‘The Simple Things’ Magazine. You can see me as the first contributor on page 7 and the article on page 95. Click on the images above to read.

This is such a lovely inspirational magazine full of great photography, interesting lifestyle articles and amazing recipes, take a look at their website

Here are some of the images which didn’t make it in the magazine:


Concertina book making at a Farm

I had a great day last Friday with a lovely group of women delivering a concertina book making workshop at a farm in Corsham. It was a cold misty November morning, but we were cosy working away in a perfect out house with a wood burner. Thank you to Susie (who organised the day at her farm) for being a great host and providing us with refreshments and a delicious lunch.


Bath Artists’ Studios Open Studios 2012

A big thank you to everyone who came to support the studios last weekend, and for braving the rain on Sunday. It was great to welcome people into my new studio for the first time.

Anyone interested in the book binding, book making and screen printing workshops I run from my studio should click here for more information.


Place, Face, Space Exhibition

‘Place, Face, Space’ was the recent exhibition held at Bath Artists’ Studios Gallery during our open studios event 21st – 23rd September. It was a group exhibition showcasing work produce by studio holders.

My contribution included screen printed wooden books and bound paper sculptures.