Posts from the “Japan” Category

Symbolism in Japanese Design workshop – kimono books

I love going into schools and working with pupils on Japanese culture, I particularly enjoy running workshops around symbolism in Japanese design. These Kimono book covers have been produced by some very talented year 3 pupils.

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Concertina book making at a Farm

I had a great day last Friday with a lovely group of women delivering a concertina book making workshop at a farm in Corsham. It was a cold misty November morning, but we were cosy working away in a perfect out house with a wood burner. Thank you to Susie (who organised the day at her farm) for being a great host and providing us with refreshments and a delicious lunch.


Japanese Culture Workshop

Japanese symbolism in design with fan making

It was great last week having the opportunity to work with a small group of children on Japanese culture again, this time at the lovely Pound Arts Centre in Corsham. We covered a lot of ground including facts about Japan, some basic language and greetings, looking at artifacts and their uses, trying on traditional clothes, learning about symbolism in design and making fans inspired by the symbolism. The girls learnt about fans and how they are used in dancing, they were eager to have a go at a fan dance themselves and asked if they could perform in front of the mums and dads and people in the cafe, which is exactly what they did, they loved every minute of it!

They workshop was a great success, we could have carried on all day!

If you are interested in Japanese culture and want to find out more about the types of activities I can offer, don’t hesitate to get in touch on or 07889119907 or look at the education and community page under Japan here.

Folding Cosmos Bath with Paula Tew exhibition

The exhibition preparation is well under way and the pieces have arrived in Bath from New York so we are pleased to have them in the country. We have set up a website for the project 

Our flyers have also arrived; we have met some lovely people on our journey distributing them so far…..

Here are some photos of the Folding Cosmos exhibition I am organising to bring to Bath from Japan. The exhibition will launch on the 27th April and run until the 5th May 2012. During this time there will be the opportunity to attend Japanese tea ceremonies and contribute to our peace tree with origami and messages. I will exhibit textile and book pieces along side the established Japanese exhibition which I will develop in response to a period of research based on the tea ceremony, traditional Japanese dress and symbolism in design. I have started this research and am finding fascinating, can’t wait to start developing the work!

For more information please go to

This project will be supported by Arts Council England and The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation
  The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation Logo

Japanese culture – Tanabata festival

I very much enjoyed working with years 3 and 4 last weekend on a Japanese culture workshop. The theme was the ‘Tanabata’ star festival which the children learnt about and made their own festival decorations for the class tree. They all worked really hard and produced some lovely decorations. They also got to investigate unusual artefacts and learn about the country, try on traditional costumes, lean some language and greetings and play games. A lot of fun was had by all!

Japan Matsuri

I went to the Japan Matsuri on Saturday, the weather was thankfully lovely and sunny. It was great to be immersed in the culture again, even for a brief time.

Whilst at the feastival I bought a Daruma doll (see photos), Daruma dolls are seen as a symbol of perseverance and good luck and are one of the many ways the Japanese make a wish. The doll come with two white eyes, you mark the left pupil when you make a wish and then the right pupil when the wish comes true!

Japan Matsuri

I am really excited to have been working with Taki Togashi and the site decoration team for this year’s Japan Matsuri (Festival) on the 18th September 2010.

I have been helping to make streamers which will be hung in the main market area of Spitalfields. These streamers are usually used in Japan for the Summer festival ‘Tanabata’

I am really looking forward to the festival, being immersed in all things Japanese for the day… Heaven!