Posts tagged “Bath Artists’ Studios

Bath Artists’ Studios Open Studios 2014

Open Studios 2014 e-flyer

26-28 September 2014
Friday 26 September, 6-9pm
Opening Party with live music and barbeque
Saturday and Sunday 27&28 September, 11am – 5pm
Studios to explore
Free workshops for children
Gallery exhibition

Visit: for more information

Bath Artists’ Studios, The Old Malt House, Comfortable Place, Upper Bristol Road, Bath
BA1 3AJ | Tel:01225 482480 | Email:

Bath Artists’ Studios Open Studios 2012

A big thank you to everyone who came to support the studios last weekend, and for braving the rain on Sunday. It was great to welcome people into my new studio for the first time.

Anyone interested in the book binding, book making and screen printing workshops I run from my studio should click here for more information.


Folding Cosmos Bath with Paula Tew exhibition

The exhibition preparation is well under way and the pieces have arrived in Bath from New York so we are pleased to have them in the country. We have set up a website for the project 

Our flyers have also arrived; we have met some lovely people on our journey distributing them so far…..

Here are some photos of the Folding Cosmos exhibition I am organising to bring to Bath from Japan. The exhibition will launch on the 27th April and run until the 5th May 2012. During this time there will be the opportunity to attend Japanese tea ceremonies and contribute to our peace tree with origami and messages. I will exhibit textile and book pieces along side the established Japanese exhibition which I will develop in response to a period of research based on the tea ceremony, traditional Japanese dress and symbolism in design. I have started this research and am finding fascinating, can’t wait to start developing the work!

For more information please go to

This project will be supported by Arts Council England and The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation
  The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation Logo